In 2005, CFCV welcomed the affiliation of the Community Foundation of Troup County. Since then, this relationship has helped individuals, corporations and foundations more efficiently respond to the charitable needs of the LaGrange and Troup County area.

The Community Foundation of Troup County was created in 1991 to help individuals, corporations and foundations more efficiently respond to the charitable needs of the Troup County area. In 2005, the organization reorganized its board with an emphasis on broad community leadership. Later that year, the organization became an affiliate of CFCV to provide staff support, development and investment expertise, and economy of scale.
The Troup Community Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation of Troup County is administered through CFCV to ensure the funds remain strong over time. This fund is a permanent source of funding for charitable needs, grows over time, and presents an excellent option for donors who want to make deferred gifts to the entire community.
As Troup County expands and offers a wealth of opportunity for business growth, a strong community foundation will serve as a strong community asset.