We'd love the opportunity to help your client achieve their charitable goals through our strategic investments, dedicated staff and commitment to excellence.
Why Choose Us?
Our staff is skilled in working with donors who have multi-faceted objectives and complex gift situations.
We understand that your clients sometimes prefer to remain anonymous and we are glad to work directly with you on their behalf. We streamline your client's giving, making it easier for you and for them.
We are experienced in customizing charitable giving opportunities to the needs of your client. We also understand how to help you communicate the benefits of a particular strategy, so that your clients make well-informed decisions they feel good about.
We share a common goal; helping your clients achieve their financial and charitable goals.
Our strong record of financial stewardship assures your clients that their charitable agenda will be met now and for generations to come. Our volunteer Board of Trustees represents a cross-section of our community, and they work hard to maintain high donor confidence about proper management of charitable gifts.
If each individual Fund operated independently and had to recreate our services on its own, the price tag would be enormous. But each of our Funds shares the costs of an outstanding staff and excellent investment advisors.
In a very real sense, each donor is backed by a staff who cares about them and their needs.
One of the main benefits of the Community Foundation is the flexibility... both in the types of funds available... and also in the payout options available. This flexibility in fund type and payout requirements provides a multitude of planning options to satisfy my clients’ charitable giving goals.
- Alan Rothschild, CFCV General Counsel
Get everything you need to understand our services and better serve your clients.

Give us a call. We'd love to answer any questions you may have on behalf of your client.
Betsy Covington,
President and CEO